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10 Baby Names Inspired by Hindu Sacred Rivers

10 Baby Names Inspired by Hindu Sacred Rivers

Following is a list of ten names that are associated with children in the religion of Hinduism. These names are taken from holy rivers and are listed in the following order:

1. Ganga

Given its name after the Ganges River, which is revered as the holiest river in Hinduism according to the religion.

2. Yamuna

As a result of the Yamuna River, which is revered and has a strong connection to Lord Krishna.

3. Saraswati

The Saraswati River, which is associated with the goddess of learning and wisdom, became the inspiration for the name.

4. Yamini

This word has a connection to the Yamuna River in addition to meaning “night.”

5. Gangesh

A name that translates to “lord of the Ganges,” which emphasizes the reverence that is shown toward the holy river.

6. Jahnavi

There is yet another term for the Ganges River, which represents holiness.

7. Sindhu

An ancient name for the Indus River, which in addition to its religious importance, also has historical significance.


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8. Tungabhadra

In honor of the Tungabhadra River, which is considered to be a holy river in South India.

9. Bhagirathi

A name for the Ganges River that references the legend of King Bhagirath, who is credited with bringing the river to the surface of the earth.

10. Krishna

Although it is more popularly recognized as the name of the deity, it also refers to the Krishna River, which is another river in India that is considered to be sacred.


There is a profound spiritual significance associated with these names, and they are connected to the extensive cultural past of Hinduism.

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