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10 extinct dog breeds you didn’t know ever existed

10 extinct dog breeds you didn’t know ever existed

10 extinct dog breeds you didn’t know ever existed: Dogs have been our friends for a very long time, and many types have come and gone over the years. Some of these dead breeds have interesting stories and traits that people often don’t think about.

Here are ten dead dog breeds that you may not have known existed. Each has its own story that shows how dogs have changed over time.

1. The Hercules Dog

Greek dogs from the past were big and strong. They were called the Hercules Dog or the Molossus of Epirus. This breed was known for being strong and brave, and it was named after the mythical hero Hercules.

The Hercules Dog was a very important dog in battles and for defense when it was first used as a guard dog and war dog. With its huge size and mean personality, the Hercules Dog was a scary animal, but as times changed and new breeds appeared, it became less well known.

2. The Aloe Dog

It was only found in ancient Egypt. The Aloe Dog, also called the Aloe Dogge, was a unique type of dog. These dogs were mostly used to hunt big game, and they were known for being very good at following scents.

The ancient Egyptians really liked the Aloe Dog because it was loyal and had a strong, powerful body. The Aloe Dog, on the other hand, became extinct over time as hunting methods and dog breeds changed. Few records remain of its presence.

3. The Turnspit Dog

From the 1600s to the 1900s, the Turnspit Dog, also called the Turnspit Spaniel, was a small but strong breed of dog. Most of the time, these dogs were used in kitchens to turn meat that was roasting over an open fire.

Turnspit Dogs were good at running on a machine that turned the meat because their bodies were long and their legs were short. As cooking technology improved, the Turnspit Dog’s special job became less important, and the breed died out.

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4. Barbet

The Barbet was a French dog that could be used for both hunts and swimming. The Barbet was great at getting game out of water and fields because it had a thick, curly coat and a strong sense of smell.

Even though it was very famous in the 1600s and 1700s, the breed slowly lost popularity as other retriever breeds became more common. The Barbet is thought to be extinct now, but its legacy goes on in the form of modern retriever breeds.

5. The Glyptodon Dog

The Glyptodon Dog was a unique breed from South America in the past. It was named after the prehistoric Glyptodon. The native people of the area were thought to have used this big, strong dog for hunting and defense.

Glyptodon Dogs were strong and had sharp teeth, so they were good at their job. The Glyptodon Dog did not survive long, though, as societies changed and new kinds were introduced.

6. A Black Russian Terrier

The Russian Black Terrier, which is also sometimes called the Black Russian Terrier, was a strong dog breed that originated in the Soviet Union in the middle of the 20th century. This breed was created to work for the military and the cops.

It was known for being strong, durable, and protective. Even though the breed was successful and popular at first, it was eventually replaced by more specialized breeds, which led to its slow extinction.

7. The Mastin of the Pirineo

It was a big, strong dog breed from Spain’s Pyrenees Mountains. It was also called the Pyrenean Mastiff. People used these dogs to protect their animals from wolves and bears and to keep them safe.

The Mastin del Pirineo were very important to country life in the area because they were so big and strong. But changes in farming methods and the arrival of other breeds caused the breed to lose popularity and eventually go extinct.

8. I Love Dodo

The Dodo Dog was a unique breed from the islands in the Indian Ocean. It was called after the extinct dodo bird. It was mostly used as a pet, and the Dodo Dog was known for its unique look and small size.

Even though the breed was popular in its home area, it had a hard time when its environment changed and it mixed with other dogs. In the end, the Dodo Dog went away, leaving only historical accounts of its existence.

9. The Eurasian Wolfhound

The Eurasian Wolfhound was a big, strong breed of dog that was used to hunt big game in ancient Eurasia. This breed was very popular with hunters and fighters because of its huge size and strength.

Even though it was important at the time, the Eurasian Wolfhound went out of style when hunting methods changed and other breeds came into the area. People think of the breed as extinct now, but some current hound breeds still have traits from that breed.

10. The family dog

The Canis Familiaris, which is also known as the “Early Domestic Dog,” was an old dog breed that existed before modern dog types were created. These early dogs were kept as pets and were used for many things, like hunting, herding, and keeping people safe.

Many current dog breeds can be traced back to the Canis Familiaris, which came in many sizes and coat types. As dog breeding changed and new breeds came into being, the Canis Familiaris slowly died out.


Dog breeds have a long and interesting past. As times and needs have changed, many breeds have become less popular. This article talks about ten extinct dog breeds that show how dogs have changed over time and how they have been used for hunting, defense, and companionship.

When we think about these dog breeds from the past, we understand how dogs have changed human history and our relationship with them better.

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