8 Ways to Do a Natural Colon Cleanse at Home :-With a natural gut cleanse at home, you can get rid of toxins, improve digestion, and make your health better in general. Here are eight good natural ways to clean out your gut.
1. Drink a lot of water
To keep your gut healthy, you need to drink plenty of water. Water helps your body get rid of trash and toxins, which helps you have regular bowel movements.
Try to drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. As an extra bonus, drinking warm water mixed with lemon juice first thing in the morning can help your body digest food and get rid of toxins.
2. Eat foods that are high in fibre
Fibre is very important for keeping your gut clean. Because it gives your stools more bulk, it helps your body get rid of waste more quickly. For example, fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are all fiber-rich foods that you should eat. Apples, broccoli, and flaxseeds are some of the best foods for keeping your gut healthy.
3. Take probiotics
Probiotics are good bugs that help keep your gut healthy and digest food. They can help repair the colon’s natural balance of bacteria, which is important for getting rid of waste quickly. Eat more foods that are high in probiotics, like yoghurt, kefir, cabbage, and kimchi. You can also take a good product that contains probiotics.
4. Drink herbal teas
Some herbal teas naturally help you go to the toilet, which can help clean out your stomach. For example, senna tea is known to help with constipation, and ginger tea can help your body digest food better.
Peppermint tea can also help your digestive system feel better and help you go to the toilet more often. Too much of these teas can make you dependent on them, so drink them in balance.
5. Put apple cider vinegar on it
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is often used to clean out the stomach. Because it has natural acids and enzymes in it, it can help your body digest food better.
ACV mixed with one to two tablespoons of water should be drunk before meals to help digestion and get rid of waste. ACV’s probiotics can also help keep your gut bacteria healthy.
6. Do a saltwater flush.
For a saltwater flush, you drink warm water mixed with non-iodized salt, like Himalayan salt, to clean out your stomach. This method helps get rid of waste from the stomach by making you have a bowel movement.
Take two teaspoons of salt and mix them with a quart of warm water. In the morning, drink this water without food. After that, you’ll have to go to the toilet a lot.
7. Add Aloe Vera juice
Aloe vera is known for being able to heal and soothe, and it can also help clean out the gut. Juice from aloe vera plants helps you go to the toilet naturally.
A small amount of aloe vera juice every day can help keep your gut healthy and get rid of toxins. But be careful when you use it because it can be very strong.
8. Do more physical activities
Regular exercise is good for your gut health as a whole. The muscles in your intestines get stronger when you work out, which helps get waste through your digestive system more quickly.
Try to do some kind of mild exercise every day for at least 30 minutes. Some ideas are yoga, walking, jogging, or brisk walking. Not only does this help keep your colon healthy, but it also makes you healthier generally.