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6 Yoga Shoulder Stretches to Un-Hunch Your Back and Relieve Neck Pain

6 Yoga Shoulder Stretches to Un-Hunch Your Back and Relieve Neck Pain

6 Yoga Shoulder Stretches to Un-Hunch Your Back and Relieve Neck Pain:Look at your shoulders as you read this. Most likely, they are either hunched forward or shrugged up into your ears. Though the shoulder joint is the most flexible in the body, our shoulders often lock up during the day because we can’t move them as much. Some people round their shoulders when they use their computers or phones because they are so focused on them.

1.Wide-Legged Forward Fold with Twist (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana)

Like other inversions, this yoga pose puts your heart above your head to help blood flow to your top body. Mackenna says that the best thing about this pose is that you can use the ground to help you stretch deeper. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart.

Bend over your legs and lengthen your back. Put one palm down on the ground and raise the other arm up to the ceiling. Turn your torso so that it faces the same way as the hand in the air. Do it again on the other side.

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2.Eagle Arms (Garudasana)

As shown in this yoga pose, a bind is sometimes the best way to relax. McKenna says that eagle arms are a great way to separate your shoulders from your ears. On top of that, it makes your joints more flexible and increases your range of motion after being in one place all day.

Make your arms straight out in front of you. Then, put your left arm under your right arm so that your hands touch on the back. As you enjoy the opening in front of your body, make sure to slide your shoulder blades down your back.

3.Supported Fish (Matsyasana)

We promise that you’ll never go back to not doing this stretch after trying it. Get two yoga blocks to begin. You can use books instead if you don’t have any.

How to: Put one block on its long side and put it right under your shoulder blades (or the line of your bra straps). Set the other one up as high as it can go and rest your head on it. Then, grab each arm with the hand that is across from it. Relax in this pose while your chest and shoulders open.

4.Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

McKenna says that yoga pros can backstroke their arms as they reach for their feet. However, most of us will have trouble with this because our shoulders are tight.

How to do it: Get on your knees so that your legs are straight out from your body. Now, put your hands on your lower back so that your fingers point down. Lengthen your spine to bend backwards, like you’re bending over a big beach ball. If you have a towel or strap ready, you should probably use it for this one unless you know you can bend through anything.

5.Reverse Prayer (Paschim Namaskar asana)

After a long day of hunching over your desk, this yoga pose is the best way to open up your shoulders. McKenna loves this stretch because it helps you open up when you’ve been pulling in. Do this pose by rolling your shoulders back a few times before you start.

This will keep your shoulders from being all the way up by your ears. Reach your hands behind your back and make a prayer sign with your palms facing each other. McKenna says that you can touch your fingers together or use a yoga strap, resistance band, or towel to hold your hands together if they don’t come all the way together.

6.Supported Fish (Matsyasana)

We promise that you’ll never go back to not doing this stretch after trying it. Get two yoga blocks to begin. You can use books instead if you don’t have any.

Place one block on its long side just under your shoulder blades (or the line of your bra straps). Set the other one up as high as it can go and rest your head on it. Then, grab each arm with the hand that is across from it. Relax in this pose while your chest and shoulders open.

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