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6 Fruit Seeds You Should Save And Plant To Grow Your Own Tree

6 Fruit Seeds You Should Save And Plant To Grow Your Own Tree

6 Fruit Seeds You Should Save And Plant To Grow Your Own Tree:Growing your own fruit trees from seed can be rewarding, but some take years to develop and may not produce fruit like the original plant. Here are six fruit seeds to save and plant:

1. Apple Seeds

Apples are popular, and having your own apple tree is exciting. Apple trees grown from seeds may not bear fruit true to the parent variety, thus grafting is better. Apple trees can be grafted, so starting them from seeds is a good idea.

2. Peach Pits

Peaches are another great seed-grown fruit. Like apples, peach trees produced from seeds may produce different fruit. Before planting, chill peach pits in the fridge for a few weeks to stratify.

3. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are attractive and easy to grow from seeds. Plant seeds in a warm, sunny spot or use a seed-starting heat mat.

4. Avocado Pits

Avocado trees are fun to develop from seeds since the seeds are large and easy to handle. Avocado trees grown from seeds may take years to produce fruit and may be less prolific than grafted trees.

5. Mango Pits

Mangoes are another tropical seed-grown fruit. With the correct conditions, mango pits can develop fruit trees. Cleaning them is necessary and germinating can be difficult.

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6. Fig Seeds

Figs can be produced from seeds, but cuttings or air layering are more usual. Fig seeds take patience and care to germinate, and like other fruits, the emerging trees may not produce the same fruit.

Growing fruit trees from seeds requires patience. These trees develop and yield fruit over years. Grafting may be beneficial if you want certain fruit qualities because some fruit trees may not be true to the parent variety. Happy planting!


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