Here is a round-up of ten of the best dumbbell triceps exercises that can be done by anyone from beginners to pros.
1.Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
The overhead tricep extension with dumbbells is a popular tricep exercise that is great for any workout. Overhead tricep moves are the best for building strength because they focus on the long head part of the muscle, which is also the biggest.
On a bench set at 90 degrees or a flat bench, you can do it. By making you stand up straight and strengthen your core, the right angle can help you keep good form.
The elbow joint may feel a little sore after this move, which is even more reason to warm up properly and not do too many rounds of this one.
2.Tricep Dumbbell Kickback
One great way to work out your arms one at a time is with the triceps twist. A flat bench and one dumbbell are all you’ll need. We’ll start with the right side for this writing.
3.Dumbbell Skull Crusher
A skull crusher, also known as a flat triceps extension, is an essential part of any triceps workout. This task can be done in different ways. This move can be done with one or two dumbbells.
This move is like the tricep extension, but you lie down to make it easier on your hands. Since they work the same muscles, you don’t have to do both types of tricep extensions on the same day.
4.Dumbbell Bench Press
The bench press is a good way to work your triceps with dumbbells. The chest, back, and upper arms are also worked out by this move. It also works the side head of the muscle.
5.Dumbbell JM Press
The JM dumbbell press is a mix of a press and a stretch for the triceps. As the name says, it was made by JM Blakey, who is a world champion in bench pressing. This turns it into a powerlifting-style workout that is great for getting bigger.
The JM press works all three parts of the triceps by bending and straightening the shoulders. There are several advantages to doing the JM press with dumbbells instead of a barbell. When done right, these benefits include less stress on the joints and a better link between the mind and muscles.
6.Dumbbell Tate Press
There is a lot of power in the dumbbell tate press, just like there is in the JM press. Even so, it’s a great way to build strength.
Because it works all three heads of the triceps, this exercise is meant to improve pressing skills when done properly. It also gives your workouts a much-needed change of pace when done on an incline bench with your hands spread out.
7.Dumbbell Single Arm Tricep Extension
In this version of the overhead tricep extension, the weight is lifted above the head instead of being lowered to the floor.
The overhead extension is a great way to work the long tricep head when the shoulders are fully bent. It puts a lot of stress on it, which makes it a great exercise to add to your routine.
If you find it hard to connect your mind and muscles when doing the double-arm version, try the single-arm version instead.
8.Dumbbell Floor Press
The dumbbell floor press is a great way to work your triceps because it uses a simple movement routine. Use the floor instead of a weight bench if you don’t have one handy.
Besides that, it’s a great way to work around a lower back problem. It keeps your back tightly against the floor while you press, which takes pressure off your lower back.
9.Decline Dumbbell Tricep Extension
It may be hard for you to feel the stretch in your triceps, but decline dumbbell tricep extensions can help. A decline bench and some dumbbells are all you need.
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