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Vegetable Companion Planting Mistakes – 9 Disastrous Pairings That Will Ruin Your Crops

Vegetable Companion Planting Mistakes – 9 Disastrous Pairings That Will Ruin Your Crops

Vegetable Companion Planting Mistakes – 9 Disastrous Pairings That Will Ruin Your Crops: Putting plants next to each other can be a great way to make your garden more productive, but not all plants get along.

Vegetable Companion Planting Mistakes – 9 Disastrous Pairings That Will Ruin Your Crops

Some combinations are bad for your veggies’ growth, taste, or yield. Here are nine terrible mistakes you could make when planting with other plants that could kill your plants.

1. Tomatoes and Corn

You Can Grow Tomatoes with Corn - Rumour Arch

It might seem like tomatoes and corn go well together, but they both get the same bugs, especially the corn earworm and the tomato hornworm. Pests are more likely to attack these two crops at the same time, which makes them harder to control.

2. Carrots and Dill

Carrot companion planting: the best plants to grow with carrots | Homes &  Gardens

Dill is often suggested as a plant to grow with some veggies, but carrots don’t do well with it. Carrots may not grow as well if they are put too close to dill. Dill plants that are fully grown can also release chemicals that stop carrots from growing.

3. Onions and Beans

31 of the Best Companion Plants for Beans | Gardener's Path

Beans and peas don’t go well with onions and other alliums like garlic and leeks. Alliums put sulfur compounds into the earth, which can stop legumes from growing and make them less effective at fixing nitrogen.

4. Potatoes and Tomatoes

The Ketchup 'n' Fries Plant: Grafting Potatoes with Tomatoes | The Seed  Collection

To tomatoes and potatoes belong to the same nightshade family, but they shouldn’t be grown together. They can get the same diseases, like blight, which can easily spread between them and do a lot of damage to your crops.

5. Cabbage and Strawberries

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You should not put cabbage or other brassicas like broccoli, cauliflower, and kale near strawberries. Strawberries can’t grow as well when they’re near cabbage plants, which hurts their health and yield.

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6. Fennel and Almost Everything

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Many plants don’t do well with fennel. It puts chemicals into the soil that most vegetables, like tomatoes, beans, and other popular garden crops, can’t grow. In a different part of the garden, keep fennel away from other plants.

7. Peppers and Beans

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Even though peppers and beans look like they would go well together, they don’t. Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, which can make peppers grow too many leaves and not make enough fruit. Keep these two crops away from each other.

8. Cucumbers and Potatoes

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In the garden, cucumbers and potatoes don’t go well together. Plants that are grown together can quickly spread diseases like phytophthora blight that affect both types of crops. Also, because potatoes grow quickly, they can crowd out cucumber plants.

9. Sunflowers and Potatoes

Companion Plants for Sunflowers - Food Gardening Network

Sunflowers make toxins called allelopathics that can stop many plants, like potatoes, from growing. If put together, the sunflowers and potatoes might not get along because the sunflowers are competitive and their chemicals might mess with the potatoes’ growth.

You can protect your plants and keep your garden healthy and useful by not making these mistakes when planting companion plants. Make sure you do a lot of study and carefully plan the layout of your garden so that all of your vegetables can grow in peace.

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