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Beware The Bermuda Triangle Of Yosemite

Beware The Bermuda Triangle Of Yosemite

One of the scariest national parks in the US is Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park is full of stories. Some parts are haunted, like hotel rooms, and others are lakes where ghosts are ready to drown people who walk by.

There seems to be a part of Yosemite that has a very bad past. Tenaya Canyon is one of the most difficult areas to navigate in Yosemite National Park. It has been called the “Bermuda Triangle of Yosemite” because of the high number of scary accidents and deaths that have happened there. Tenaya Canyon is popular with experienced backpackers and canyoneering fans, but it has also drawn many visitors who were too sure of themselves to their death.

Yosemite National Park has seen a lot of bad things happen. Yosemite is one of the most dangerous national parks in the US. In the last 17 years, 179 people have died there. What makes Tenaya Canyon so different from the rest of the park, where so many people have died? Is there something more sinister going on in the Bermuda Triangle in Yosemite?

The Dark History Of Tenaya Canyon

Going back to the beginning can help you figure out what’s going on in Tenaya Canyon. Yosemite was home to many Native American groups before it became a national park. The Ahwahneechee were the most famous of these groups.

The Ahwahneechee people thought that Yosemite had magical forces and wrote many of the scary stories about the park. The Ahwahneechee, on the other hand, were very important to the scary story of Tenaya Canyon.

A story says that Tenaya Canyon was the site of a big battle between the Ahwahneechee and new white settlers who came to the area in the 1850s. The Ahwahneechee were then forced to move to a reservation.

Many months of evasion, fighting, and failed talks led to the capture of several tribe members, one of whom was shot and killed during the process. The person who died was Chief Tenaya’s best son. Because his son had died and his people were being hurt, Chief Tenaya cursed the river that would later be named after him.

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Strange Accidents Have Happened In Tenaya Canyon

Here in the present day, Tenaya Canyon’s past is only told around the campfire. Hard-core adventurers who want to get away from the people in Yosemite National Park like to visit this area. Still, there is something that stays in the area.

People have died at least 17 times in this remote place because of how often people fall and drown. Dozens of search and rescue efforts have been done to help hikers who get lost or in dangerous situations. Tenaya’s cursed people?

As “John of the Mountains” and the “Father of the National Parks,” John Muir was one of the most skilled hikers of his time. John of the Mountains was famous for going on solo hiking trips through the Sierra Nevadas. He is remembered in Muir Woods National Monument and the John Muir Trail.

Muir never missed a step, no matter what the weather or landscape was like. until he went into Tenaya Canyon, that is. Muir wrote a letter to his friend about his plan to climb into the famous canyon. Muir is usually very sure of himself.

Though Muir had what was probably a concussion, he was still able to get out of the dangerous tunnel. Some people, though, have not been so lucky. Here are a few more strange things that have happened in Tenaya Canyon. The names of the dead and their families have been changed to show respect.

Staying Safe In Tenaya Canyon

Even though people who are already in Tenaya Canyon might not be able to get rid of the curse, tourists can still stay safe there. The National Park Service usually tells people not to go into Tenaya Canyon because the scenery is as rough as the toughest hikes in Yosemite National Park.

People who come to the area are warned by signs that there are no paths or services, which was done on purpose to keep people from driving through the area too much.

In Tenaya Canyon, one problem that guards see a lot is people not giving their climbing gear. Tenaya Canyon is not like the other dangerous hikes in Yosemite National Park. To get through it, you need to know a lot about canyoneering and making your way around.

When you go to Tenaya Canyon, rangers say you should bring at least a map, lots of food and water, a headlamp, extra clothes, and a whistle. People who want to go into the canyon have to bring climbing and rappelling tools.

Some people don’t go to Tenaya Canyon very often, and there’s a good reason for that. Tenaya Canyon has been the site of many deaths and close calls over the years. It was once the scene of a lot of violence and sadness. Tenaya Canyon is tough enough that even the famous John Muir and other experienced outdoors people have had trouble there.

People who lived in the Ahwahneechee people say that Chief Tenaya cursed the canyon because they had to leave their homes when the area grew West. Tenaya Canyon is the Bermuda Triangle of Yosemite National Park. It is where 17 people have died and has some of the most dangerous terrain in the park.

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