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Grow The Adorable Cape Sundew With Your Houseplants For Natural Pest Control

Grow The Adorable Cape Sundew With Your Houseplants For Natural Pest Control

Some houseplants can soak up the wetness in your bathroom, while others give off sweet smells that people love but bugs hate. The cape sundew (Drosera capensis), on the other hand, eats bugs that come into its care.

This exotic plant comes from South Africa, but it does well in pots in many places. You can get rid of pests naturally by adding this beautiful carnivore to your home collection.

This plant eats gnats, fruit flies, house flies, and mosquitoes. It has light green leaves with red stalks that grow from them. They move around and have spheres that look like bulbs on the ends that make a sticky substance that traps insects.

So the cape sundew can catch its food and eat it. The leaves can even curl in on themselves to catch bigger bugs. To keep these flying bugs away, put the killer plant on the kitchen window sill, front porch, or patio.

You do not need to buy chemicals or mix your own remedies. You do not even need to be good at gardening to get along with Cape Sundew. That plant is simple for amateurs to grow in a pot or cage.

How to care for cape sundews

Cape sundew is one of the easiest plants to grow that eats bugs. It is a plant that eats dead things and does best in warm places like its original habitat. However, it can handle a few days of frost and extreme heat up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

That could be because its roots are strong. Cape sundew usually grows from seedlings, but you can also grow it from seeds or stem cuttings. You do not have to bury the seeds; just sprinkle them on top of the dirt and water them.

You can also grow more than one plant from a single leaf to make the live trap for flying animals bigger. As it grows, Cape sundew has spiked leaves that really stand out, and so do its flowers.You might see a purple flower from late summer to fall. The bright flowers and tall stem take attention away from the poisonous leaves.

The best part is that your plant can flourish with very little effort on your part. Cape sundew is able to thrive in a wide variety of soils, including those that are deficient in nutrients.

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In order to establish the optimal habitat, it is recommended to use a combination of peat or sphagnum moss and sand in equal proportions. It should be placed in an area that receives at least a few hours of sunlight, and the soil should be kept moist.

If you want to keep this carnivore hydrated, you should not be too stingy with the water. The sundew that is grown in a container should be stored in a tray that is filled with water that is low in salts and minerals, such as distilled water or rainwater.

Thus, it can be beneficial to construct your own rain barrel. As a result, you will be able to enjoy a growing cape sundew as a houseplant that offers protection.


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