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How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jelly Bean Plant

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jelly Bean Plant

How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Jelly Bean Plant: The Jelly Bean Plant, whose formal name is Sedum rubrotinctum, is a cute succulent known for its unique leaves that look like jelly beans.

It’s a great choice for both new and experienced farmers because it has bright color variations and doesn’t need much care. To plant, grow, and take care of the Jelly Bean Plant, read this full guide.

1. Planting

How to Pick the Right Pot

Pick a pot with good draining holes so that water doesn’t pool at the bottom. This is very important because Jelly Bean Plants can get root rot if their roots stay in water for a long time.

Pick a pot that is just a little bigger than the root ball. This will give the plant enough room to grow without keeping too much water in.

Mix for Plants

Use potting mix made for plants or cacti that drains well. Most of the time, these mixes have things in them like perlite, pumice, or sand that help water run properly. To make your own mix, mix regular potting soil with perlite or loose sand to make it drain and air out better.

How Plants Grow

Don’t fill the pot all the way to the top; leave about an inch of space. Carefully take the Jelly Bean Plant out of its nursery pot and put it in the new one. If you need to, spread the roots out and add more potting mix around them.

To get rid of air pockets, lightly pat down the dirt. Do not water the plants right away so that the roots have time to get used to their new home and heal from any small damage.

2. Needs for Light

Bright light that comes from the side is best for jelly bean plants. Even though they can handle some direct sunlight, too much of it can burn them or fade their color.

If you want to grow the plant indoors, put it near a south- or east-facing window that lets in a lot of natural light. If the light from the sun isn’t enough, you might want to use a grow light to help.

3. Watering

Don’t give jelly bean plants a lot of water. When you water, let the top one to two inches of soil dry out fully. If it doesn’t rain, these plants will still grow. They actually like it dry.

A common problem is giving plants too much water. Make sure the potting mix drains well and only water when needed. When winter comes around, the plant’s growth slows down even more, so water it even less.

4. The temperature and the humidity

Temperatures between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C) are best for jelly bean plants. They can handle short periods of cold weather, but they should be kept away from frost and temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

These succulents do well in places with low to middling humidity, which is most of the time inside. To keep fungus problems from happening, make sure there is good air flow around the plant.

Also see : How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Aeonium Kiwi

5. Planting seeds

Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer made for succulents or cacti to feed your jelly bean plants. During the growth season (spring and summer), use the fertilizer once a month.

To keep from over-fertilizing, use fertilizer that has been reduced to half its strength. When the plant isn’t growing, like in the winter, don’t feed it. This can cause salt to build up in the soil.

6. Tidying up and pruning

Pruning jelly bean plants is easy and necessary to keep them looking good. Get rid of any broken or dead leaves to keep the plant looking nice and to keep pests away. Check your plants often for pests like mealybugs and aphids, and get rid of any infestations right away with neem oil or soap that kills insects.

7. Moving plants

Plant jelly beans in new pots every two to three years or when the roots get too tight. Pick a pot that is a little bigger than the one you have now and mix the soil again.

Take the plant out of its old pot carefully, shake off any extra soil, and then put it in the new pot with new soil. After repotting, give the plant a little water to help it get used to its new home.

8. Making a noise

It’s easy to grow more jelly bean plants. Cuts of leaves or stems can be used to grow new plants. To make more plants, put the cuttings in potting mix that drains well and let them harden off for a few days. Keep the earth just barely wet until the roots start to grow.


The Sedum rubrotinctum Jelly Bean Plant is a cute and easy-to-care-for plant that brings color and charm to any room.

This plant will look beautiful for years to come if you give it lots of bright light, water it carefully, and do not do much else to it. It’s flexible and easy to take care of, which makes it a great choice for both experienced and new plant growers.

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